Category Archives: EDUCATION FOR PEACE

Bolivia: XVIII World Mediation Congress


An article from Corrreo del Sur (translation by CPNN)

“We are moved by the hope that another world is possible, that spending one’s life serving others is worth it…” These emotional words were expressed by the president of the University Network of Conciliation and Mediation Centers and dean of the Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences of the Universidad San Francisco Xavier, Fátima Tardío, during the closing ceremony of the XVIII World Mediation Congress, co-organized by the Universidad de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca in Sucre, Bolivia, the Universidad de Sonora (Mexico) and the Institute of Mediation of Mexico.

The congress took place for five days, between August 1 and 5 and brought together more than 2,000 people including exhibitors, workshop leaders, teachers and university students from different parts of the world. They came from countries such as Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Spain, France, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Portugal and Uruguay.

Its success is due to the quality of the participating professionals and also to the efforts of the teams responsible for every detail of the organization: a battalion of University officials and generous volunteers. At the level of authorities, the Vice Chancellor Peter Campos and Dean Tardío were in charge, in addition to the Director of Social Interaction and University Extension, Narda Gonzáles, and the articulating link with the Mediation Institute of Mexico, César Rojas.


“From this event will come the seed of a new way of understanding education in Bolivia, that change is possible, that utopia is possible and that it is worth fighting for a dream,” emphasized the Dean, who had previously described as “very symbolic” the fact that Vice President David Choquehuanca and the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Ricardo Torres, were present at the closing ceremony of the congress.

Walt Disney warned of the risk of dreaming by indicating that if one has dreams, they are likely to come true…

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(click here for the original version in Spanish).

Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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A few weeks ago, the conflictologist from Chuquisaca, César Rojas, was in charge of the conversation “Culture of peace, mediation and journalism”, organized by the National Association of the Press (ANP), and there he expressed his hope that Sucre could host more congresses such as the which was developed between the historic building of the Faculty of Law and the modern International Center for Conventions and Culture (CICC).

Following this route, on Friday, the Vice Chancellor of San Francisco Xavier, Peter Campos, announced the letter of intent for the 400 years that this institution will celebrate in 2024: “We want our city of Sucre to be the capital of international congresses”. He made an important announcement: in 2023, in the Bolivian capital, the “First World Congress of Restorative Justice” will be installed and in 2024, the Latin American Congress of Research for Peace (CLAIP).


Also in his farewell speech, the president of the Mediation Institute of Mexico, Jorge Pesqueira Leal, awarded with the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the San Francisco Xavier University, advocated “the desire to build a change for the good of our planet ”. He said: “We have been truly cruel to our home… it is inadmissible, but it is a reality, the social injustice that we live.”

“Let’s generate that much-needed change,” he invited the crowd, which once again packed the CICC auditorium.

María Auxiliadora Moreno Valenzuela, head of the University Rights Ombudsman of the University of Sonora, on behalf of María Rita Plancarte Martínez, University rector, highlighted the work, the meeting and the learning of the congress days. “Especially important are the new processes to disseminate mediation within the framework of the culture of peace (…), the creation of a large community of mediators, as well as promoters of mediation, to improve relationships in families, schools and workplaces; also in the universities, since these are the motor and impulse of the works related to mediation”.

She expressed her conviction that the results of the congress will result in “alliances and projects that serve to create in everyone’s consciousness the need to make our environments and spaces into friendly places with positive human relationships and healthier environments.” She called on everyone to contribute to “a more egalitarian world and, with it, a more humane one.”

The Sucre congress also served to consolidate the new Ibero-American Network of Conciliation and Extrajudicial Mediation Centers, made up of 17 countries, which was underlined by its ad hoc president, José Javier Tapia Gutiérrez.


In San Francisco Xavier, the departments or units that worked on the organization of the XVIII World Mediation Congress were: Infrastructure (30 people), Academic Commission (5), Administrative and Logistics Commission (6), Systems Area (10 engineers), Accreditors and Registration (16), Social and Cultural Commission (4 in charge of 100 Protocol students), Choristers (30). Source: Narda Gonzales, director of Social Interaction and University Extension (USFX).

Dominican Republic : CDP and Sinarec sign agreement to promote a culture of peace and reduce violence


An article from Noticias Sin (translation by CPNN)

The Dominican College of Journalists (CDP) and the National Conflict Resolution System (Sinarec) have signed an agreement to promote a culture of peace at the national level through workshops, courses, seminars and other forms of education.

The agreement was signed by Aurelio Henríquez, president of the CDP, and Petronila Rosario Adames, director of Sinarec. They will promote a broad program of awareness at the national level through continuous education of the Culture of Peace with the aim of reducing violence in the Dominican Republic.

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

Both organizations will work in all the sections of the country to strengthen non-violent communication that facilitates a culture of peace, through seminars, workshops, talks, forums, workshops, conferences, congresses and any other way that educates for peaceful and non-violent coexistence in society.

Sinarec is a body attached to the office of the Attorney General of the Republic and was created by the Superior Council of the Public Ministry, with the aim of implementing a system at the national level that allows the culture of peace to be carried out through social organizations, along with neighbors, professional associations and non-profit organizations.

The two organizations agreed to create a monitoring commission to ensure the development and execution of this agreement. The commission will include made up of two people, who will plan the programs to be executed, prepare logistics and make the invitations.

CDP-CINAREC committed to managing and promoting the activities they carry out together, such as courses and diplomas that they deem relevant for technical development and professional improvement for the strengthening of peaceful coexistence in our communities.

CDP and Sinarec will initiate a cycle of conferences, talks, courses and specialized training. At the end of each training which includeds more than eight hours of face-to-face classes, the participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Mexico: Invitation to register for an online diploma in the Culture of Peace through the Arts


An article from the Michoacan Radio and Television System (translation by CPNN°

The Ministry of Culture of the Government of Mexico, through the National Coordination of Children’s Cultural Development, and the Ministry of Culture of Michoacán (SECUM), through Alas y Raíces, invite managers, managers, promoters and promoters of children’s culture, as well as artists who work with children and adolescents in Mexico to participate in the online diploma for the Culture of Peace through the Arts.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

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The objective of the diploma focuses on reflecting and identifying the violent processes faced by children and adolescents, so that the promoters of children’s culture can take practical and methodological actions for their intervention and care, strengthening skills, values ​​and attitudes for the construction of peaceful environments. In addition, the diploma involves the implementation of an artistic project / activity with a focus on a culture of peace.

The sessions will be offered on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and on Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; from July 2 to October 29.

Registration to participate takes place from June 15 to 30, in person or by internet by going to with attached explanatory letter of motives and curricular profile. For more information contact

Mexico: First issue of the electronic magazine “Culture of Peace” published by the State Human Rights Commission


An article from Sintesis (translation by CPNN)

The State Human Rights Commission (CEDH) has published the first issue of its electronic magazine “Culture of Peace”, which seeks to open communication channels and spaces for dialogue with society and create efficient interaction.

One of the intentions is to reach civil associations and public and private institutions, which are an important part of the dissemination and awareness of the importance of defending human rights.

Ombudsperson Jakqueline Ordoñez Brasdefer informed that the address through which the magazine can be consulted is /contenido_Digital/culturadepaz/. It seeks to generate awareness and socialization on the subject of human rights, as well as promoting values, attitudes and behaviors aimed at rejecting violence and preventing conflicts.

“It is utopian, since in the State Human Rights Commission we aspire to a whole system of values, skills, attitudes and modes of action that reflect respect for life, human beings, dignity and the rejection of the violence. With this publication we add our grain of sand, ”she said.

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(Click here for the original article in Spanish)

Questions for this article:

How can we promote a human rights, peace based education?

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

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In addition, she pointed out that with the magazine the Commission complies with its Internal Regulations, in the sense of having a publication body in printed or digital form, whose publication is at least every four months, including Recommendations, official letters of non- responsibility, proposals, pronouncements, protests, Council agreements, annual or special reports, as well as diverse material that, due to its importance, requires dissemination.

Regarding the content of the magazine, Ordoñez Brasdefer explained that “Culture of Peace” will publish news, articles, interviews, statistics, photographs and information on the subject of human rights. He specified that the purpose is to pluralize its content through the participation of academia, public institutions and universities.

In its first issue, the magazine publishes the commitments that representatives of the three powers and autonomous state agencies assumed on February 24, during the commemoration of the 29th anniversary of the ECHR, in an event held at the Xicohténcatl Theater from the city of Tlaxcala.

Similarly, the magazine publishes a brief review of what the State Human Rights Commission is and how it is integrated, as well as a description of the Mexican Federation of Public Human Rights Organizations.

Lastly, its pages include opinion articles written by advisory counselor Agustín Flores Peña; the director of the Research and Training Center, Leopoldo Zárate García; and the deputy director of the same Research Center, Herminia Hernández Jiménez.

Querétero, México; What is the culture of peace?


An editorial by Rodrigo Mancera in the Tribuna de Querétero (translation by CPNN)

With the aim of promoting a series of values, attitudes and behaviors that reject violence and prevent conflicts, the Culture of Peace aims to learn and teach to engage in dialogue, reflection and consensus, as well as to solve problems through respect for human rights. It is not the absence of violence, but a refocus that guarantees learning from conflict and the positive development of people and their communities.

Approved by the United Nations Organization (UN) on October 6, 1999, in the document Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace, the General Assembly emphasizes the Charter of the United Nations, the constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It recognizes that peace is not only the absence of conflict, but also a process aimed at a solution.

Made up of nine articles, it includes a Program of Action with Objectives, strategies and main agents and a consolidation of the measures to be adopted by all peace agents, relevant at the national, regional and international levels, in which measures are discussed to promote a Culture of Peace mainly through education. It calls on all (individuals, groups, associations, educational communities, companies and institutions) to bring to their daily activities a consistent commitment based on respect for all lives, solidarity, generosity, understanding, environmental preservation and rejection of violence.

According to the Manifesto for a culture of peace and non-violence of the year 2000, this movement seeks a fairer, more supportive, freer, dignified and harmonious world, as well as prosperity for all. It urges countries to maintain a world free of wars, without conflicts and corruption. Its four axes include rejecting violence, practicing active non-violence and rejecting physical, sexual, psychological, economic and social violence in all its aspects, particularly towards the weakest, such as children and adolescents.

The Manifesto calls for generosity through actions, sharing time and material and psychological resources with the people who most need it and giving them the privilege of having an opportunity; Contribute to the development of the community, promoting the full participation of women and respect for democratic principles, in order to create together new forms of solidarity; And preserve the planet, by promoting responsible consumption and taking into account the importance of life and the balance of the natural resources of the planet on which we live.

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(Click here for the original article in Spanish)

Questions for this article:

How can we promote a human rights, peace based education?

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

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By October 2006, the movement for a culture of peace had more than 700 organizations, which participated in a report on the advances in this culture in 2005. As well as the culture of non-violent resistance, it became a form of protest related to civil disobedience that advocates the achievement of political, social and cultural change without the need to use violence as a political weapon. Symbolic protests and acts of non-cooperation in the political and economic areas are used in this practice.

Currently, the culture of peace is formed in a long-term process of action based on moral and ethical principles of personal recognition in the relationship of people with people. It continues the search to sow the values ​​of peace in the minds of human beings.

As Elsa Rojas Bonilla, a teacher in Social Sciences in Colombia, points out, educating for a culture of peace and citizenship education is a challenge for the community. Its different components are a way to transform the society to allow human beings to find solutions that allow conflicts to be faced without violence, with the necessary strength to reach solutions in a convulsed society so thateveryone is a winner,

In her article “The culture of peace and its importance in the process of citizen training”, Rojas Bonilla points out that the objective is to search for a new type of citizen, capable of relating to other people, respecting the rules of coexistence, knowing their rights, fulfilling their duties, and inserting themselves constructively in the new society. The pedagogical processes that allow the creation of a culture of peace must promote the process of appropriation of knowledge related to the territory, culture, the economic and social context and historical memory, with the purpose of reconstructing the social fabric, promoting general prosperity and guarantee the effectiveness of the principles, rights and duties.

In the Mexican context, although the culture of peace has few investigations and lacks applications to a great extent, there are organizations that seek the same goal as that previously stated by the UN. Mexico suffers from an internal war between the authorities and organized crime, the processes and acts of corruption, as well as statements with hate speech by both local and state leaders as well as the head of the executive, which makes the country a candidate for the process and the necessary practice of the culture of peace and non-violence.

In fact, speeches like “I want to address you, criminal; I don’t care where you are or where you’re hiding” by Mauricio Kuri, Governor of the State of Querétaro, and the various threats made by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador himself against the opposition and the national press, these cases, among others, create a context that discourages peace in our country. As the UN manifesto reminds us, one of the challenges is to transform the perspective, traditions and imposed cultures that were created based on violence, racism and corruption, because : “only in societies that live in equity, freedom, equality and solidarity, can there be peace”.

Click here to see how these principles are put into action for education at the Autonomous University of Querétaro.

Ecuador: Hip-hop and urban art are reaffirmed as a ‘culture of peace’ at a festival in Garza Roja


An article from El Universo (translation by CPNN)

Given that the hip-hop movement and its cultural values ​​are growing in Ecuador, thanks to the various initiatives of artists, managers, communicators and activists, this Saturday, May 21, the first meeting of local urban art and culture will be held, called Hip-hop to the Garza.

The event is rooted in the Hip-Hop Peace Declaration, which Temple of Hip Hop, Ribbons International, UNESCO and 300 pioneering hip hop culture activists signed in May 2001. The declaration recognizes the movement as a culture of peace, personal development and international prosperity at the service of communities. The movement fights against the realities of inequity and social inequality in society and governments. It is celebrated annually in the month of May.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?

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This year the initiative is a development of the groups Música en Casa, Casa Impro, Wide Mixer and the Garza Roja Cultural Foundation.

“Most of the urban areas in Guayaquil are engaged in the urban culture of hip hop. We want to show that urban culture not only encompasses singers, graffiti artists, but also many people who make other types of art, and that is why this event is important so that all these actors can also get to know each other and that the public can identify with them”, explains Sara Arana, the Rap Lawyer and spokesperson for the meeting.

“We don’t need to sing rap or dress in a stereotyped way, we live urban art every day”.

The festival is projected as an outdoor urban experience with the four elements of hip hop: the MC (master of ceremonies), the DJ (beats), break dance and graffiti. It includes comedy, poetry, circus arts, cultural endeavors and freestyle, with special guests such as Junox Mc, A2H+, De Jota El Máximo Exponente, Las Ratas, Juliana Solís, Lucky Luciano, Dj Mandy, La Abogada del Rap. Graffiti artists like Kamikaze Mc, from Quito and representing female power, Hans Knopf from Guayaquil and more than 20 artists on stage.

It is a family event and suitable for all audiences, and will take place in the facilities of the Garza Roja Cultural Park (km 37 via Daule – Nobol), from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Admission is free, with prior registration.

Brazil: The culture of peace and non-violence is the theme of the III Graffiti Festival


An article from Dourado News (translation by CPNN)

From April 25 to June 12, 2022, UFGD (Federal University of Grande Dourados) will receive applications from artists interested in participating in the third edition of the Graffiti Festival, which will have the theme “The culture of peace and non-violence”, part of Goal 4.7 (Sustainable Development Goals – ODS 16) of the United Nations (UN) 2030 agenda. Objective 16 includes the pillars for the promotion of a culture of peace such as: disarmament, human rights, solidarity, respect, tolerance, the right to be and belong, sustainable development, gender equality and democratic participation.

From the 2017 edition: painted graffiti on the walls of Unit 1 – Credit: Divulgação

The University will select five artistic interventions with this theme, two in the national category and three in the regional category, with prizes of R$ 5 thousand and R$ 3.3 thousand, respectively. For each selected intervention, a space of 10 meters in length by 1.94 meters in height will be allocated. In return, the award-winning artists will offer a free workshop to the community.

(click here for the article in Portuguese.).)

Question related to this article:

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?

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The graffiti will be carried out on the walls of UFGD, from August 24th to 27th, during the III Graffiti Festival event. The workshops will be held at a place, day, time and public service defined by the artist and by the Culture Coordination.

The application form is available at: Among the documents that candidates must attach in the form are: project containing identification, conceptual text and techniques to be used; sketch in digital format, in color A4 size, of the “artistic intervention” project; resume; artistic portfolio; proposal of the workshop to be given and; Declaration of Assignment of Copyright and Patrimonial Rights. To enter, you must be over 18 years of age. UFGD servers are prevented from submitting proposals.

According to the schedule, after the application and candidate selection phase, the preliminary result will be released on July 5th and the final result on July 22nd, with deadlines for appeal at each stage.

Regarding the costs of participation, UFGD will not be responsible for the transportation, accommodation and food of the selected artist/group. Nor will it be responsible for the materials used for the interventions and workshops, the expenses being the responsibility of the winners.

The announcement of the III Graffiti Festival of UFGD can be accessed at:

Additional information can be obtained from the Culture Coordination of the Dean of Extension and Culture (COC/PROEX) by e-mail at

Forum in Brazil: Peace, How Is It Done?


An activity of Palas Athena

A forum with Marlova Noleto, Laura Roizman and Lia Diskin to be broadcast May 10 19h (time in São Paulo) on facebook and youtube

“When UNESCO directs its efforts towards the search for a culture of peace, it is immediately apparent that the anchor of such a search is education. This is because the achievement of peace presupposes, among others, the right to education, a foundation of societies more just, equitable and inclusive, and one of the pillars of sustainable development.The challenge is to find the means to transform attitudes, values ​​and behavior in order to promote peace and social justice, security and non-violent conflict resolution. ”

Marlova Jovchelovitch Noleto
Director and Representative of UNESCO in Brazil

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(Click here for the original article in Portuguese.)

Question related to this article:
What is the relation between peace and education?

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“We all seek peace and no one in their right mind can stand in favor of wars, social inequalities, the destruction of the environment. Even so, our schools, universities and families do not educate for peace. Responding to these challenges Lia Diskin and I wrote the book Paz, como se faz? Seeding a culture of peace in schools, the result of a partnership between UNESCO and the Palas Athena Association. It is in its 4th edition and is freely distributed in public schools and educational establishments. for download from various sites.”

Laura Gorresio Roizman
Biologist, PhD in Environmental Health from the University of São Paulo

“In uncertain times there are transformations being developed in silence and darkness, but from time to time they erupt on the surface causing a flash, a roar: asking for reflection, pause to check information, verify sources and discover the intentions that sustain them. Thus, a girl named Greta Thunberg sat at the doors of the Swedish Parliament to ask for measures to be taken to mitigate the consequences of climate emergencies. Today, in the free press, we follow Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova who, despite the risks to her own life has denouncesd the war against Ukraine. Culture of peace demands action, courage, insistence and persistence.”

Lia Diskin
Comitê da Cultura de Paz e Não Violência •

Peace Train (Music Video of the Week)


An article from TRANSCEND Media service

Music Video of the Week, 18 Apr 2022 : Yusuf/Cat Stevens | Playing For Change –

“Peace Train” – Yusuf/Cat Stevens’ timeless anthem of hope and unity was originally released in 1971. This Song Around The World version features more than 25 musicians from 12 countries, and Cat Stevens singing and playing a beautiful white piano in a tranquil open air setting in Istanbul, Turkey.

(Click on image to go to the video)

(Editor’s note: According to the Wikipedia article about Cat Stevens, he has publicly performed and/or recorded “Peace Train” on numerous occasions, including the first time in 1971 in the album “Teaser and the Firecat”, which reached number two and achieved gold record status within three weeks of its release in the United States

In October 2001, at the Concert for New York City, condemning the attacks of September he sang “Peace Train” for the first time in public in more than 20 years, as an a cappella version.

In 2003, he performed “peace train” in a compilation CD, which also included performances by David Bowie and Paul McCartney.

In December 2006, he performed “peace train” at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo, Norway, in honour of the prize winners, Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank.

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Question for this article:

What place does music have in the peace movement?

(Click on image to go to the video)

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In April 2007, BBC broadcast a concert that included “peace train”, his first live performance in London in 28 years.

In July 2007, he performed at a concert in Bochum, Germany, in benefit of Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s Peace Centre in South Africa, including “peace train.”

On 30 October 2010, Yusuf performed “peace train” at Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s spoof Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Washington, DC, singing alongside Ozzy Osbourne.

In 2014, he was selected into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame and was inducted by Art Garfunkel at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, where he performed “Father and Son”, “Wild World”, and “Peace Train”.

In New Zealand on 29 March 2019, he performed “Peace Train” at the National Remembrance Service for victims of the Christchurch mosque shootings.

And finally in 2021, as shown above, he teamed up with Playing for Change to record a new version of Peace Train with over 25 musicians from 12 countries.)

Transformative Peace Initiatives through TOCfE Tools


Special to CPNN from Nancy Oley

Community leaders from the United States, Singapore, Myanmar and Somalia reported on their ongoing peace projects in a session entitled “Transformative Peace Initiatives through TOCfE Tools” at the virtual TOCfE International Symposium on February 26, 2022. Presentations of the four speakers are summarized below.

Kathy Suerken is a Rotarian, President of Theory of Constraints for Education, Inc. (TOCfE) and organizer of the TOCfE International Symposium. Founded by the late Israeli physicist Eliyahu Goldratt, TOCfE is dedicated to the application of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to education. Suerken argues that peace is not a zero-sum game in which “I win, and you lose;” it is a process. The tools and strategies of TOC are the means by which we develop a “win-win” mindset and find “win-win” solutions to conflicts, assuring that no one is harmed. Even young children have used the simple TOC thinking and communication tools to resolve conflicts and become peacemakers on the playground and in their classrooms. TOCfE is currently active in 23 countries and six continents.

The Rotary Peace Fellowship Program is a program designed for community leaders who have experience in and are committed to international peace and development. Fellows are offered financial support and are trained at international Rotary Peace Centers to carry out projects promoting peace around the world as they pursue a master’s degree or Professional Development Certificate. There are currently 1,300 Fellows working in 115 countries. Fellowships are awarded through local Rotary Clubs.

Two Peace fellows whose work is described below are using the graphical tools of TOC to prevent and resolve conflicts (win-win solutions), to logically analyze cause-effect relationships, to analyze and sequence the steps needed to achieve a goal, and to create systemic change.

Christina Cheng, Singapore Director of TOC for Education and a Rotary Peace Fellow, noted that the cost of conflict and violence is 10% of the world’s GDP or about $5 per person. Given that 9% of the world lives on less than $1.90 per day, a 3% reduction in conflict spending could fund the entire global food aid fund. Countries that ranked high on the 2021 Global Peace Index based on their safety and security, domestic and international conflict, and militarization, also ranked high on the World Happiness Report (2021) that measures life evaluations, as well as positive and negative emotions. Happiness is correlated with a sense of security, and security is correlated with physical peace. However, countries ranking high on happiness are also among the highest users of anti-depressants, suggesting that the absence of physical conflict/ war or “negative peace” is not sufficient. For a society to have “positive peace” – to be free from stress, anxiety, depression, and unresolved personal conflicts – mindsets, attitudes, systems and structures must be changed. Studies show that training in the areas of conflict resolution and problem-solving can reduce the incidence of depression in youth. So why, then, is so little time and money spent on teaching these skills in school? TOCfE provides the tools for people of all ages, races, religions, genders and cultures to analyze problems and to resolve conflicts logically without blame or anger, producing more harmonious and peaceful individuals, families and communities.

In this regard, an important application of TOC tools has been with repeat offenders. TOCfE training helps inmates recognize their negative thinking patterns by identifying the root cause of their behavior and uncovering mistaken assumptions that have led them into a downward spiral. Simple TOC peace tools have also been taught to men and women in halfway houses, military prisons, and drug rehabilitation centers.
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Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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Pastor Fidy Sung lang Len is Head of the Women’s Department and Christian Education Department of the Olive Baptist Church, a Committee Member in the Hakha Baptist Association (HBA) Women’s Division, a Committee Member in the HBA CE Department, and a Committee Member in the Cultural Department of Chin Association for Christian Communication.  Collectively, these groups touch roughly 35, 000 women/girls and 15, 000 children from the Hakha Chin community. According to Len, the Chin people are the smallest, poorest, and least educated minority group in war-torn Myanmar, with gender inequality, violence and abuse deeply rooted in their culture and identity.

Len has used TOC thinking process tools to help empower Chin women, despite the cultural, religious, and political obstacles to doing so. The cloud  tool was used to resolve conflicts. In Len’s work there is a conflict between the desire/want to speak out against gender inequality and the desire/want to not speak out. Each of these alternative “wants” is necessary to fulfill its associated “need”— to help others and improve the situation on the one hand, and to avoid further conflict and unhappiness on the other. The overarching goal, to have a happy and satisfying life, can be achieved by fulfilling both needs. By logically examining the assumptions underlying the suggested causal connections between wants and needs, one can find ways to satisfy the needs and provide a “win-win” solution to the conflict. Len’s analysis suggested a number of steps to be taken, among them: partner with international non-governmental organizations with knowledge of how to reduce gender inequality, work for equal education, introduce concepts of gender equity into the early curriculum, work with church leaders to correct misunderstanding of biblical teachings about gender, always include men’s voices in the discussion, speak to men with respect and sensitivity to their fears, work with respected male leaders to champion women’s equity, and emphasize that gender equity benefits both women and men.

Sharmarke Yusuf, Rotary Peace Fellow, Certified TOC Facilitator and TOC Country Director, noted that Somalia’s two-decades long armed conflict and civil war has had a psychological impact on the population, and that to be successful, any educational approach must promote inclusivity, peace, respect, non-violence and avoid blaming others. Toward this end, local teachers learned TOC critical thinking and communication tools to empower youth with coping and decision-making skills, self-understanding, and the psychological support they need to resist being manipulated by others.

As one example, Yusuf noted that early marriage prevents young Somalis, especially women, from attaining their educational goals. Using the graphical TOC cloud tool, a young couple came to understand their common goal (a happy family together), what each person needed (not to lose the relationship/continue in school), and how their wants conflicted (marry now vs. not marry now). By critically examining the assumptions underlying their conflict, they came to recognize that their common goal would be easily met if they both continued their education, a “win-win” solution.

Yusuf also outlined his efforts to prevent the radicalization of incarcerated youth using TOC tools to change the systemic factors contributing to incarceration and destructive post-release behaviors. He analyzed “what to change,” “what to change to,” and “how to cause the change.” His ongoing study includes 10 female and 10 male youth 18-32 who are school dropouts, unemployed and/or involved in conflict—- a population very vulnerable to being used for fueling conflicts, radicalization and extremist violence. The goal of the project is to engage and empower the participants to be a positive force for transformation and peace through: training in TOC communication, thinking and conflict resolution tools; “positive peace” education; employment skill building; and community volunteer activities. The number of young people participating in the interventions and their attitudes before and after the interventions are being measured. At the end of the study, he will assess participants’ integration into their community, their ability to think critically, and their success at making changes in their lives, i.e., to be agents of peace and productive community members.

(Comments on this topic may be sent to coordinator. Please indicate if you wish them to be published with this article and/or forwarded to its author.)