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Question: Solidarity across national borders, What are some good examples? CPNN article: Alcaldes de Tacna y Arica se comprometen a promover cultura de paz e i
CPNN Administrator
Posted: Dec. 31 1999,17:00

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Alcaldes de Tacna y Arica se comprometen a promover cultura de paz e i
Cumbre de Paz 2014 se realiza este sábado en la frontera entre Ecuador y Colombia
Peace Summit 2014 to take place this Saturday on the Ecuador-Colombia border
The mayors of Tacna and Arica commit their cities to a culture of peace and integration [Peru and Chile]
Cuba responde al llamado de Naciones Unidas para enfrentar el Ébola
Cuba will Send 165 Health Professionals to Fight Ebola in Africa
Seminario Internacional sobre Reconciliación y Paz: Retos en la Frontera Colombo-Venezolana
International Seminar on Peace and Reconciliation: Challenges on the Colombian-Venezuelan Border
The Gambia: ‘African countries must unite’
Belize and Guatemala host Garifuna Cultural Event
Haiti – Dominican Republic : “For a culture of peace at the binational level”, theme of the 8th edition (2019) of the week of the diaspora
EDUCATION: Imagine programme helping to reconcile divided Cyprus

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