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Question: Peace-building Stories, literacy development with peace-building CPNN article: Peace Through Education
CPNN Administrator
Posted: Dec. 31 1999,17:00

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Peace Through Education
The Peace Gong Article- and Poster-making competition on Peace
The Peace Superheroes Series
The Peace Gong E-book
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Profile PM 
Posted: Dec. 04 2007,01:19

The Teaching and Learning for Peace Foundation www.tlpeace.org.au not only encourages the sharing of good peace-building stories but the writing of them. Reading development for children occurs when they are exposed to good stories but if those stories also contain peace-building elements then they are also exposed to the language of peace-building and an associated consciousness lift can result. This peace-building language can be patterned when they begin writing their own stories and as a consequence to being instilled into their consciousness, peace-building can become a natural way of thinking and operating. Peace-building stories also present strong peace-building characters who enact peace-building principles often becoming heroes to the children. One example is the Gandhi like character in Herb the Vegeterian Dragon as he chooses peaceful resistance when issues arise. Literacy development and peace-building can occur together.
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Profile PM 
-1 replies since Dec. 04 2007,01:19 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >

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