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Ramadan: the culture of peace

by Mustapha Cherif

Fasting is to be at peace. If someone tries to bother us, we can answer quietly: "I am fasting. "The concept of peace in Islam is central, in addition to being one of the beautiful names of God, Salam, the importance of which is at least equal to Rahman, the Merciful.

Ramadan calls, first of all, for a culture of peace.  This concept is directly related to living together in peace. In this sense, peace requires recognition of the other, keeping in mind that there is no peace without justice. The action reflecting this orientation is that of sharing, which must be conducted in a reasonable manner.  To accept differences, personally, in human relations, needs to be with an open heart and mind. Hospitality is a virtue.

The responsibility of the Muslim imperative of justice

The concept of peace in Islam is greater than any other: it is religious, human and cultural and beyond.

The qualities of the believer, generous, hospitable, good, all converge in the sense of achieving peace vis-à-vis oneself, others and the world. . ...more.

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