Panama promotes the practice of values ​​for a culture of peace by students


An article from the Ministerio de Gobierno, República de Panama

The Ministry of Government, the Administration Attorney’s Office and the Norwegian Refugee Council have implemented the project “Cultivating Builders of Peace” with the aim of promoting the practice of values ​​in students for the construction of a culture of peace.

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(Click here for the original article in Spanish.)

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It was the Minister of Government, Janaina Tewaney Mencomo, who started the pilot plan at the Justo Arosemena Institute to the joy of fifth graders. The Minister expressed the importance that each student plants the seeds of peace and tolerance, the values ​​that we need as human beings. In the same way, she exhorted them to each be a peacemaker to resolve conflicts at school, at home and in the community.

The project will be developed through three thematic axes: Values ​​to build peace, Learning to live together and Techniques for the peaceful resolution of school conflicts. The development of each phase will be the responsibility of the technical personnel of the organizations that are part of the project, who should motivate the participation of the students for meaningful learning. As for the students, they should explore their prior knowledge, relating concepts to daily life and the learning experiences acquired.