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Question: What arguments do people use to claim that peace is not possible?, How have you answered them? CPNN article: Questioning Violence-Justifying Beliefs in South America
Posted: Mar. 05 2012,16:00

In our experience, every time we talk about working for peace in the world and to promote the oneness of humanity, there are inevitably a few who argue that peace and unity are impossible to achieve, and they provide what they believe to be rational, scientific evidence to back up this claim.

We have been compiling these theories, trying to understand what arguments or evidence they are based on, and also developing ways to answer them to the questioner's satisfaction. Not an easy task! You can see the results of this work at: http://www.cultureofpeace.peternewton.biz.

So we would appreciate it if you could help us in this endeavor by sharing what beliefs or theories you have come across, according to which peace and unity are impossible, and what answers you have given that have satisfied your listeners' concerns. Thanks for your help.
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