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Question: Does the UN advance equality for women? CPNN article: Advancing Women at the United Nations
CPNN Administrator
Posted: Dec. 31 1999,17:00

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Advancing Women at the United Nations

Investing in women peacebuilders is best value for money

Commission de la condition de la femme: Application du Programme d'Action de Beijing

Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer: Implementación de la Plataforma de Acción de Beijing

UN Commission on Status of Women: Implementing the Beijing Platform for Action

Les gouvernements approuvent de nouveaux rôles pour la Commission de la condition de la femme

Gobiernos respaldan nuevas funciones para la Comisión de la Mujer

U.N. Says Maternal Mortality Rate Has Nearly Halved since 1990

UN Commission on the Status of Women revamps working methods

Education International and other Global Union Federation delegations begin their work at the 60th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

USA: University of Wisconsin receives UN chair for global work on gender, well-being and peace

USA: University of Wisconsin receives UN chair for global work on gender, well-being and peace

CSW at UN: Supporting People’s Actions to Empower Women at the Margins

Opening statement by Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women for the 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women

For more recent articles on this topic, click here.
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CPNN Administrator
Posted: Mar. 06 2004,10:43

Here is the full and unabridged text of the Women's NGO statement submitted on March 3 to the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

In an environment when international human rights and humanitarian law, collective security and multilateralism are being challenged by unilateralism and the aggressive use of force, we affirm our commitment to the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Beijing Platform for Action.  This human rights framework provides the basis for conflict prevention and sustainable peace.

Armed conflict is preventable and women have a key role to play!  Security Council Resolution 1325, adopted by consensus, calls for the greater inclusion of women at all stages of conflict prevention, mediation, resolution and post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding.  We call for a Security Council body to monitor the implementation of SC Resolution 1325.  We further call for annual reports from all governments and the UN Secretary General measuring progress and reviewing challenges to the implementation of 1325.

Women's participation in conflict prevention and transformation cannot be achieved without significant economic and human resources. Capacity building of women's organizations is a prerequisite for their meaningful participation.

In order to enhance women's participation in conflict prevention:

1.  There is a need to improve the collection, analysis and inclusion of information on women
and gender issues for conflict prevention and early warning efforts of the UN, regional organizations and member states.

2.  There is a need for improvement in the collection, analysis and inclusion of women and gender issues in reports of the Secretary General to the Security Council.

3.  Women's participation and inclusion of gender issues is required in all stages of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration -- a key component of preventing the re-escalation or resurgence of conflict.

Participation of women in great numbers at all stages of decision making  should help ensure that nations' resources are directed to the promotion of human security -- the freedom from want and fear.  Resources wasted on armaments and conflicts must be redirected to the provision of basic security needs such as access to adequate food, clean water, shelter, health care and education.  A warrior culture, promoted daily by mass media, needs to be transformed through socialization and education for peace.

Sustainable and durable peace is not possible without a culture of peace.  The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice in the 21st Century and the Program of Action for the Culture of Peace, adopted by the United Nations, call for comprehensive disarmament, peace education, human rights, democracy, and a world society that moves towards the abolition of war.  Governments must prioritize the immediate implementation of the Hague Agenda for Peace and the Program of Action for the Culture of Peace.  It is time to move from rhetoric to implementation.

Madame Chair, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, sustainable peace and justice can only be achieved with women's equal participation and representation at the highest levels of decision-making.
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Profile PM 
Posted: Mar. 23 2005,09:50

Nancy, Did you attend any of the CSW Beijing +Ten sessions?
What do you think are the prospects of the US signing CEDAW?
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David Adams
Posted: Mar. 23 2015,10:14

The following article by Lyndal Rowlands in the Inter Press Service, suggests that the UN is not making much progress on its commitments for women's equality:

2015 marks anniversaries for two significant commitments made to increasing women’s participation at peace tables.

Yet despite the Beijing Platform for Action and the Security Council Resolution 1325 both committing to increasing women’s participation in peace building 20 and 15 years ago, respectively, there has been very little progress to report.

The latest available statistics show that women made up only 9 per cent of negotiators at peace tables between 1992 and 2011. That the most recent data is from 2011 shows that more work is needed even in basic areas such as data collection and reporting of women’s participation in peace building.

IPS summarises here four reasons we should value women’s participation at the peace table more, based on discussions at the 59th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) over the past week.

Beijing Platform for Action Section E

Women and Armed Conflict Diagnosis

Strategic objective E.1. Increase the participation of women in conflict resolution at decision-making levels and protect women living in situations of armed and other conflicts or under foreign occupation. Actions to be taken.

Strategic objective E.2. Reduce excessive military expenditures and control the availability of armaments. Actions to be taken.

Strategic objective E.3. Promote non-violent forms of conflict resolution and reduce the incidence of human rights abuse in conflict situations. Actions to be taken.

Strategic objective E.4. Promote women's contribution to fostering a culture of peace. Actions to be taken

Strategic objective E.5. Provide protection, assistance and training to refugee women, other displaced women in need of international protection and internally displaced women. Actions to be taken.

Strategic objective E.6. Provide assistance to the women of the colonies and non-self-governing territories. Actions to be taken.
Women Bring Commitment and Experience to the Peace Table
Often the first people invited to participate in formal peace negotiations are the people holding the guns and the last are women who have expertise in building lasting peace.

Zainab Bangura, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, told a CSW side event on Tuesday last week, “In the Central African Republic, the only community where they were not killing each other was a community where the Christian women said, ‘These Muslim women are our sisters.’

“Why? Because the women in the community said, ‘We have lived together for the last 100 years’,” Bangura said.

In the Phillipines, Irene Santiago was a member of the government panel that negotiated peace with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Santiago came to the table with years of experience working with Christian, Muslim and Indigenous women leaders for peace.

Speaking at a CSW side event at the International Peace Institute (IPI) on Thursday, Santiago said that she knew that her years of experience working with civil society for peace stood her in good stead to make a significant contribution to formal peace negotiations, which she did.

Speaking with IPS, Santiago said women’s voices not only have to be heard, but that they also have to be acted on.

“For women. It’s almost never always about themselves, it’s always about our children, our husbands but also about our communities,” Santiago told IPS.

In Africa, women have fought to be included in peacemaking, even when their contributions have not been recognised.

Bineta Diop, Special Envoy on Women Peace and Security to the African Union, says that mediators need to be held accountable when they only invite the people who hold guns to the peace table and ignore women’s contributions.

“I have been involved in many crises where women were knocking at the door and saying we want to be at the table,” Diop said.

Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, known as the father of Security Council Resolution 1325, said that the determination of African women to be involved in peace negotiations should be seen as an inspiration by other countries.

Despite serious difficulties, war and conflict, African women have shown continued determination to hold their countries accountable, Chowdhury said.

Gender Equality in Peace Time Prevents Conflict
Also speaking at the IPI, Valerie Hudson, co-author of ‘Sex and World Peace’, said that her research has shown that the way women are treated within a country is one of the most accurate indicators of the quality of relations that country will have with other countries.

Diop agreed with Hudson, saying that countries that are likely to fall into conflict have higher levels of discrimination and inequality.

“Discrimination against women, especially the non-participation and non-inclusion of women in democracy is … one of the root causes of the conflict,” Diop said.

Ambassador Choudhury agreed with these sentiments, telling IPS, “I believe that no country can claim that their country is not in conflict if women’s rights are denied, if women’s equality is not ensured, if women’s participation at all participation levels is not there.

“I think that if we women are violated, if women’s equality of participation is not there we cannot say that we are at peace, we are in conflict with ourselves. This is a conflict which is happening within ourselves and within the countries. We don’t have to go into the traditional description of conflict, civil conflict or fighting with another country,” Chowdhury added.

Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Senior Adviser at the International Peace Institute also speaking at the IPI event said, “A world where 51 per cent are ignored is a dangerous world for everyone. I can’t imagine why any men would be indifferent to this.”

Women Are Active In Civil Society
Several discussions at the CSW questioned why militaries were the primary actors in peace building, while non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society’s expertise was not called on.

Related IPS Articles

U.S. Honours 10 “Extraordinary Women” for Courage and Leadership
Meet the 10 Women Who Will Stop at Nothing
Women Walk for Peace in the Korean Peninsula
Santiago told IPS that civil society, especially women, have a lot to contribute to humanise, to concretise, and to make peace negotiations relevant to people’s lives.

Winnie Kodi from the Nuba mountains in Sudan told reporters on Monday that civil society was vital to helping indigenous communities like her own that have been affected by conflict. She said that the main way her people were able to have their voices heard was by working together with NGOs and civil society.

Chowdhury told IPS he is advocating for the U.N. and governments to hold more consultations with civil society, saying that the involvement of women and of civil society is very important.

Santiago also called for renewed focus on the important role of NGOs in the area of women, peace and security,

“Again I see that why are we focusing on the UN as the locus of change,” she said. “To me it is not, it is the means, it is an important audience, but it is not the locus of social change.

“Let us form the global civic networks that we need to bring about the local global and civil change that we need” Santiago said.

Women Challenge The Causes of Conflict
Challenging militarism and militarisation was another theme discussed during the first week of the CSW, particularly by civil society groups at the parallel NGO forum.

Choudhury told IPS that increased militarism and militarisation is slowing down efforts for equality. “Increasing militarism and militarisation has really been effecting women in a very negative way. This is something that women should stand up against, we should all stand up against,” Chowdhury said.

Militarisation is also affecting indigenous women and men. Maribeth Biano, from the Asian Indigenous Women’s Network, told reporters on Monday that Indigenous women are hugely affected by militarisation in Indigenous territories.
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